Activity fields


The collaborative project of “Il filo d’Arianna” (Ariadne's Thread) is born from the womb of “Man Nature Energy” researches, a fruitful working group that has been studying history and archeology, modern physics, geobiological healing energies from the ground and the spirituality of the ancient and mysterious ancient nuraghic people for 13 years. Nuragic ancestors lived in Sardinia between 6000 and the 900 BC, they were great connoisseurs of earth’s energies and manufacturers of many megalithic monuments known as Nuraghe, Giant’s Tomb and Sacred Wells. The will of Arianna Mendo and his assistant Enrico Gelain, is to pursue and develop this kind of research in "Arianna’s thread" initiative, still within the Man Nature Energy, also expanding to other archaic civilizations of this planet.



Arianna’s thread is then responsible to seek and disclose all that knowledges that the ancients knew about energy, spirituality and healing. Our approach to the subject, however, is pretty unusual: we believe that in order to understand these ancient peoples is necessary, even if only for a few hours, to try living like them and where they lived: in harmony with nature. That is why our main activities takes the form of an amazing and sensorial trip into nature where the ancient archaeological remains of these ancient peoples are, lost in time. The forests must be heard, the monuments of the ancients must be lived, experiences of harmony with the spirits of Mother Earth must be made. Only by doing this we then allow the beneficial energies of these places to enter within us. Meditations, visualizations, rituals of purification, charging energy and the celebration of the equinoxes and solstices in monuments aligned to these events are all well-established heritage of knowledge of our association. Sardinia, Salento, Greece, Egypt and Cambodia are rich in archaeological sites lived by people who were ancient masters of architecture, energy and spirituality, to be lived and learned together with our sweet and wise guidance, following that long Ariadne’s thread, lying inert in the woods now forgotten by time, which is the human consciousness.

see menu ->   ITINERARIES


"AQUARIUS" project

The Aquarium, in addition to being the favourite and the belonging zodiac sign of Arianna, is also the sign by which our planet is astrologically plunging into during this so much chatted New Age. Despite its name, this is an air sign, and precisely this is the most communicative air sign of the three (the others being Libra and Gemini), a sign that is so badly in need to share everything he knows or everything that comes into his mind with others, if not even essential. The vessel that this androgynous human figure supports, always in spite of the name (this is the most bizarre and crazy horoscope sign), contains no water, but the nectar of the gods, or elixir of life. In essence it is the fifth element, the knowledge of what is quintessential both in creation and in his creatures: the ether, as the energy field of communication, interconnection and nourishment of life itself. It is then to this sign that our partnership dedicates the intent of disseminating knowledge patiently collected by us in this adventure called life, and that in the spirit of the sign we need to share with the people of this Age. In this section you can find all the books, some of the articles we have published, CDs and DVDs, conferences, seminars, and special events that we organize by us or in cooperation with other experts in this beautiful subject that is the human spirit.

see menu -> PROMOTIONS


The following two projects are dedicated to the care of the human being in its most intimate and personal space. They are therefore activities that will be provided comfortably in individual sessions booked each time individually.



This project includes all the activities of private and personal consultation useful in order to place the individual back into balance with the movements of the cosmos around us. We, as you now well understood, always prefer to follow the ancient knowledge to achieve this aim: this is why we are experts in ancient divination techniques, the best thing to do when you feel lost in the universe and which direction to take is unknown. Divination is one of the most ancient arts to trust for advice, and among these the best and most complete remains astrology, a must if you want to understand the movements of the universe and understand what God's plans include for us. Who, in ancient times, lost in the forest or on seas, has never looked at the sky in search of a guide that will be a reference for our direction? The Egyptians, Assyro-Babylonians, Greeks, Indians, our nuragic peoples and many others were all great astronomers, astrologers and navigators. Who, from Ptolemy to Newton via Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei was an astronomer without being an astrologer? Who among them did not know that the outside sky is perfectly reflected in our inner consciousness? In addition to this, for those who prefer a more classic reading of spirituality, we are also well trained to read tarot cards promulgated by the wayfarers peoples, but also the ancient runes practiced by the peoples of the North (the Norse, Germanic civilization, namely, Scottish, Scandinavian and Finns known as Viking or barbarian, linked to the mythology of Odin and Valhalla, the Valkyries and Ragnarok), or the eastern I-Ching, a metaphorical interpretation of life linked to the Chinese wisdom of Taoism and its most senior members: Lao Tzu, Confucius and the Duke of Chou.

see menu -> DIVINATIONS


"AL-KEMI" project

For those who feel the need of an actual treatment, you can contact us for energetic diagnosis and both energetic and natural remedies such as Ondaform® (made by Uomoterra in our association), Bach Flowers, energy balancing treatments, guided visualization or Qi Gong sessions, meditations and finally regressions in your past lives to discover karmic events to which we belong but that prevent us, even after all this time, to live a peaceful life. Kemi is an ancient Egyptian word that indicates the typical black and muddy ground that the Nile deposited on the soil after its flood; it is a very fertile ground, the only available if you wanted to cultivate something in the middle of the Egyptian desert. This is then a deeply transformative earth, capable to make the ground being ”born again" and save from aridity. Al-Kemi means "to plow the land" or "work on fertility," which became "internal work on the chemistry of our soul" (from kemi the concept of modern scientific chemistry was born) when Al-kemists (alchemists) adopted this word to indicate the process of spiritual transformation that can transmute our heavy lead soul in a spirit of light and precious gold. So if you feel dry, or heavy because of too much work or the big suffering that you carry on, and if you want instead to blossom towards the joys of life, this is the project for you!

see menu -> TREATMENTS

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San Santino
San Santino
San Santino
San Santino
Nuraghi 14
Nuraghi 14
San Santino
San Santino
Gran Maestro abate You Xuande 3
Gran Maestro abate You Xuande 3
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