Guided meditations

For those who want to try to meditate on the first few times, but also for those who need to rebalance their energies, or even for those with curiosity to revive again and find out who was in a past life, this service is open for you. Arianna will follow you in a personal session, leading you into the heart of many different meditation techniques, in order to get the results you want. Personal work, work on some emotional event for you hard to deal with, clean our energy, personal and spiritual awareness are all issues affected by these practices.
Each session is personal and freely customizable. Of course we will agree in advance about what are the goals of therapeutic work that you want to achieve, what issues or problems you'll face and / or which meditation techniques you prefer to use to accomplish the intended purpose, such as how much time and how much sessions you need to take. It's also possible to choose the place of meeting, if in our place, the beach or in natural places of energy of Sardinia in order to enhance the inner works and strengthen the purposes that you have aimed. Once the treatment is completely personalized, Arianna will lead vocally you in a guided meditation, you will only have to let youurself be carried and display yourself mentally the images that Arianna will offer you, to come and achieve the desired purpose.
There are various meditation and visualizing techniques:
  • emotional release - to release angers, fears, resentments, fears and blocks that hinder the free flow of your life. You can resolve fears of exams, resolve tensions with parents or stiffness with a partner, emotional problems that have recurred consistently and persistently in your life.
  • kundalini visualization - to balance the chakras and let the energy flow along your spine.
  • Chakras, aura and organs energetic cleaning - mixed techniques for the overall energy balance of your subtle bodies.
  • regression into past lives - it's a guided journey to discover your past lives. Just for curiosity, or even to resolve karmic issues that block your present life, but that started in past lifes. In fact, reviving the moment when the block was born, in what context and what caused it has a powerful capacity for emotional release, although with less emotional intensity, due to the fact that in the regression you can live the moment as an outside observer, recognizing as yourselves in that life while at the same time being away from it, as no longer involved "directly" in contexts that you are living.
  • astrological meditations - for who knows a minimum of astrology and his birth chart, or for who asked Arianna to read it, you can also choose to work on planetary archetypes that lives in you, in your theme and in your life. You can easily slacken difficult aspects of your theme, or meet in person the governing deities of the planets such as Mars, Jupiter, Venus or Neptune and receive messages or advice directly from them for your life and to develop your ways of seeing the world.

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