Solstices Itineraries

Download this file (Solst Inverno.pdf)Winter Solstice
The celebration of the summer solstice is an event conceived and organized by us which provides a variety of content of different types, all within the same initiative lasting three or four days. During the solstice festival we will lead you to know not only the ancient sacred sites of the nuragic peoples, but also give you the opportunity to experience yourself the reality of the very precise alignment of the sun rays that performed in the past and still can be found within these archaic temples. But there's more, you can get involved and live with us rituals that we have rebuilt and practiced during these sacred alignments of the sun and moon, so carefully and mathematically indelibly engraved on the stone over time. There will also be meditations, energetic exercises, explanations of historic, architectural and astronomical knowledge.
The summer solstice is for nuragic peoples, but also for all the ancient peoples, the festival of the sun at its peak, so inherent to the largest and most powerful force of light in nature. Therefore celebrates strength, brightness, intense spirituality, the masculine, the sacred intent and light. It is the culmination of the annual growth of 21 June, when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky and then all the plants reach their peak, after passing through the three months of spring and an intense spiritual growth and maturity. From this date onwards the sun, the plants and our planet will start to decline until they reaches the winter solstice of December 21 when the sun reaches instead its lowest point in the sky and then symbolically die, to be reborn gradually into a wonderful new cycle for eternity.
Normally and for organizational reasons, our association celebrates exclusively the summer solstice of June 21. There will then be no service during the winter solstice of December 21. The only winter solstice we will be celebrating instead is December 21, 2012, to celebrate the well-known entering of Mother Earth in the new era.

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