Bach flowers

Flowers of Bach, or flower remedies of Bach, are an alternative treatment based on "flowertherapy", a method created by the British doctor Edward Bach.
Bach argued, in this regard, the need that this form of therapy should be simple and accessible to everyone, as according to him anyone already had the potential and sensitivity needed to perform a self-diagnosis and self-practice. He also revealed that the therapy should be preventive and was completely free of side effects.
At the base of Bach flower therapy is the principle according to which in the care of a person, mainly the prevention and knowledge of psychological disturbances must be taken into account, which would determine the symptomatology. The single flower would treat the psychological disorder that has caused or may cause some physical discomfort.
The "simple" old herbalists of past centuries, based their knowledge on the shape, color and the unique features of each plant in order to understand the range of use. At the time there were no laboratories for the detection of elements and substances present in the plant, then the intuition and the ability to get in touch with the nature of plants allowed them to understand what could be useful. It is not a concept of active ingredients present in flower from a chemical-physical point of view, but rather energetic principles that each plant has. The flowers are collected in a sunny day, put in a spring water and exposed for three or four hours in the sun, or when this is not possible for seasonal reasons, bring water to boiling state. Once the transforming information of the flower moves in the water, than brandy is added (as a preservative) ... and the Flowers of Bach are ready.
The field on which Bach Flowers are most effective is emotions and moods, but certainly, as psychosomatic medicine teaches, mind is not separate from the body, and what is shown on a mental level has a meaning and an influence on the physical plane. Signals that emotions gives are simply earlier to those of the body - the physical symptoms - so observing and knowing the emotional and mental health we can also correct what happens in the physical one. Flower therapy does not cure diseases, but moods and reactions to the events of peoples. Example: How we react to a particular event: with anger, fear, indifference, discouragement, etc.. The answer we give to the event or symptom shows us what flowers will be useful at that time.
On the basis of these principles, 38 distinct basic "behavioral types" have been individuated, which would correspond to 38 flowers. Bach then divided the 38 flowers discovered by him for their healing virtues, seven distinct groups.
  • Flowers for fear
  • Flowers for those who suffer from uncertainties
  • Flowers for insufficient interest in present
  • Flowers for solitude
  • Flowers for ipersensibility to influences and ideas
  • Flowers for discouragement or despair
  • Flowers for excessive concern for other's welfare
We are qualified to perform in our office the tests needed to see which actually is the fundamental emotional distress of a person, in order to advise and guide them in choosing the most adequate remedies between the 38 for you.

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