Evolutive Astrology

Astrology, as a discipline, has its roots in ancient times. Our predecessors had an very different approach and view of reality from today. Their relationship with nature was close and deep. They therefore tended to relate things one to another, uniting, seeking the secret correspondence.
According to the ancients the macrocosm was reflected in the microcosm, the whole was reflected in the part, under the motto "as above, so below."
But why the ancients chose the sky as the reference plane for the heaven? In a world where everything was precarious and unpredictable, where the uncertainty reigned, the sky was proposing instead consistent and reliable phenomena. The sun makes its appearance every day. The moon shows regular phases of each month. Venus is visible with a very precise cycle: it is present for about 263 days, then for 8 is absent, then is again present for other 263 days and absent for 50 with an average total of 584 days.
Was for this reliability that the ancient astronomers-astrologers also sought in the stars possible future events that were so important for people who based their subsistence mainly on agriculture. Based on these forecasts so people could be prepared in advance.
Know the sky was so essential on these days.. It is no coincidence that astronomy is the oldest science. Our predecessors however, in their tendency to correlate, also joined what are inanimated things today with animated world into the sphere of their lives and created a relationship between the sky and all human activities. They so created astrology.
Astrology is therefore a system of symbols. In this system of symbols, which are like a clot of energy, our first principles, our archetypal roots, each category of existence falls below a given influence or domination.
The Zodiac is a circle, along which the celestial bodies moves: the Sun, the Moon (the two luminaries) and then gradually Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The Zodiacal space was divided into twelve parts, based on the number of full moons that can be inserted within a year. (The number twelve has finished then, analogously, by taking a deep meaning for which there are 12 disciples, 12 knights of the Round Table, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 axes that needs to be cut in diamonds so that they can have their gloss, and so on).
The 12 signs are not to be confused with the constellations, which are much more numerous, but are not part of the Zodiacal space.
The signs were then associated with the 4 elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. 3 signs belong to each element: Fire are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Earth are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; Air are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; Water are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Each sign has been associated with a celestial body, a polarity (male or female) and a division in cardinal, fixed and mobile was given to them, depending upon the season in the starting mark. The cardinal signs are those that are at the beginning of a season (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). The fixed signs are those that are located in the heart of a season (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius). The mutable signs are those that are placed in the transition between one season and the other (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces).
Each individual carries the entire Zodiac inside himself. Each of us is born under a particular astrological sign because it represents the position of the Sun when he took his first breath. The Sun, as the brightest star in the firmament, as a symbol of life, is surely the heavenly body that most characterizes each individual. Knowing the particulars relating to each sign each one can find a bit of himself. But none of us is a pure sign. Everyone carries in himself, in his individual horoscope, in his native sky, all the Zodiacal space. We have to imagine our personal horoscope as a photograph of the sky taken at birth. On this photograph, in which the individual finds himself at the center of the universe, the positions of all planets will inprint on him. From the different positions of the planets in different zodiacal signs and the precise geometrical relationship existing between them, you can trace the path of the individual and identify the character, but also have clues to its future because, using the words of the German scholar of esoteric psychology Thorwald Dethlefsen, "the man brings his horoscope in each cell so that macrocosm can always be found in every smaller detail, like the plant in the seed." 
Astrology has evolved over time, has changed, has incorporated disciplines such as psychology or new concepts in the field of energy studies. The fact that it actually survived over time, even during the most rigorous scientific and rational periods, shows that it responds more than other disciplines to the questions that man asks himself and can therefore occupy rightly a definite place among the human disciplines aiming to development and growth of man.
Knowing astrology means then penetrate into cosmic laws and get in harmony with them, a journey that is well worth taking.

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